Seal Knife - Power Pliers (Combo Tool) - (3 rows)

Item Number SIWS Part No Price Unit Description PDF Catalog Page
1. 67010101Inquire at SIWSEA.Knife, Multi-Tool, Stainless Steel, Includes Pliers, Wire & Hard Wire Cutters, Clip Point and Serrated Knife, Diamond/Cross-Cut File, Wood Saw, Scissors, Four Screwdrivers, Phillips Screwdriver, Can/Bottle Opener, Wire Stripper, Lanyard, Wave, Leatherman.Page 537
2. 8239Inquire at SIWSEA.Knife, Multi-Plier, Stainless Steel, Includes; Pliers w/ Replaceable Carbide Cutters, Serrated Knife, Rem Grit Saw, File, Scissors, Crosspoint Screwdriver, Large/Med/Small Flathead Screwdrivers, Bottle Opener, Nylon Sheath, 800 Legend, Gerber.Page 537
3. S61Inquire at SIWSEA.Knife, Power Plier, Stainless Construction, Gear Compound Leverage, Hex Bolt Construction, 10 Locking Tools, EOD, w/Nylon Sheath Velcro Close, SOG Speciality Knives Inc.Page 537

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