Cutting & Welding Outfits;Tote Victor Style & All-Trades II, Uniweld - (4 rows)

Item Number SIWS Part No Price Unit Description PDF Catalog Page
1. KL250Inquire at SIWSEA.Kit, Welding & Cutting, All-Trades II Light Duty Outfit: Cutting Attachment, Torch, Regulators (CGA 510 & 540), 3 Series Cutting Tip, 2ea (W-J) Welding, 25' Hose, Goggle & Lighter, Victor Style, Uniweld.Page 93
2. KL250-4Inquire at SIWSEA.Kit, Welding & Cutting, All-Trades II Light Duty Outfit: Cutting Attachment, Torch, Regulators (CGA 510 & 540), 3 Series Cutting Tip, 2ea (W-J) Welding, (With Out Hose, Goggle & Lighter), Victor Style, Uniweld.Page 93
3. KL250-C
Inquire at SIWSEA.Kit, Welding & Cutting, Tote, Steel Carry Stand, Light Duty Outfit: Cutting Attachment, Torch, Regulators (CGA 200 & 540), 3 Series Cutting Tip, 1ea (W-J) Welding, 12.5' Hose, Goggle & Lighter, Victor Style, Uniweld, HVAC.Page 93
4. KL250-OP
Inquire at SIWSEA.Kit, Welding & Cutting, Tote, Plastic Carry Stand, Light Duty Outfit: Cutting Attachment, Torch, Regulators (CGA 200 & 540), 3 Series Cutting Tip, 1ea (W-J) Welding, 12.5' Hose, Goggle & Lighter, Victor Style, Uniweld, HVAC.Page 93

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