Fire Extinguishers; BC & ABC (Multi-Purpose), Purple K - Halotron - Dry Chemical Recharge Powder - (28 rows)

Item Number SIWS Part No Price Unit Description PDF Catalog Page
1. 10MB-8H
*Notes, *MSDS
Inquire at SIWSEA.Fire Extinguisher, Stored Pressure, 10 Lb, Dry Chemical General Purpose: ABC, U/L 4A-80B:C, Aluminum Valve, Badger Standard.Page 601
2. 10RB-7H
*Notes, *MSDS
Inquire at SIWSEA.Fire Extinguisher, Stored Pressure, 10 Lb, Dry Chemical Regular: BC (Sodium Bicarbonate), U/L 60B:C, Aluminum Valve, Badger Standard.Page 601
3. 11HB
*Notes, *MSDS
Inquire at SIWSEA.Fire Extinguisher, Stored Pressure, 11 Lb, General Purpose: ABC, Halotron 1 (Halon 1211 Replacment), U/L 1A-10B:C, Brass Valve, Badger Extra.Page 601
4. 15.5HB
*Notes, *MSDS
Inquire at SIWSEA.Fire Extinguisher, Stored Pressure, 15 1/2 Lb, General Purpose: ABC, Halotron 1 (Halon 1211 Replacment), U/L 2A-10B:C, Brass Valve, Badger Extra.Page 601
5. 2.5HB
*Notes, *MSDS
Inquire at SIWSEA.Fire Extinguisher, Stored Pressure, 2 1/2 Lb, Regular Purpose: BC, Halotron 1 (Halon 1211 Replacment), U/L 2B:C, Brass Valve, Badger Extra.Page 601
6. 20MB-6H
*Notes, *MSDS
Inquire at SIWSEA.Fire Extinguisher, Stored Pressure, 20 Lb, Dry Chemical General Purpose: ABC, U/L 20A-120B:C, Aluminum Valve, Badger Standard.Page 601
7. 250MB-1
*Notes, *MSDS
Inquire at SIWSEA.Fire Extinguisher, Stored Pressure, 2 1/2 Lb, Dry Chemical General Purpose: ABC, U/L 1A-10B:C, Aluminum Valve, Badger Standard.Page 601
8. 5HB
*Notes, *MSDS
Inquire at SIWSEA.Fire Extinguisher, Stored Pressure, 5 Lb, Regular Purpose: BC, Halotron 1 (Halon 1211 Replacment), U/L 5B:C, Brass Valve, Badger Extra.Page 601
9. 5MB-6H
*Notes, *MSDS
Inquire at SIWSEA.Fire Extinguisher, Stored Pressure, 5 Lb, Dry Chemical General Purpose: ABC, U/L 3A-40B:C, Aluminum Valve, Badger Standard.Page 601
10. 5RB-4H
*Notes, *MSDS
Inquire at SIWSEA.Fire Extinguisher, Stored Pressure, 5 1/2 Lb, Dry Chemical Regular: BC (Sodium Bicarbonate), U/L 40B:C, Aluminum Valve, Badger Standard.Page 601
11. B10BC
*Notes, *MSDS
Inquire at SIWSEA.Fire Extinguisher, Stored Pressure, 10 Lb, Dry Chemical Regular: BC (Sodium Bicarbonate), U/L 60B:C, Brass Valve, Badger Extra.Page 601
12. B10M
*Notes, *MSDS
Inquire at SIWSEA.Fire Extinguisher, Stored Pressure, 10 Lb, Dry Chemical General Purpose: ABC, U/L 4A-80B:C, Brass, Badger Extra.Page 601
13. B10P
*Notes, *MSDS
Inquire at SIWSEA.Fire Extinguisher, Stored Pressure, 10 Lb, Dry Chemical Agent: BC, Purple K (Potassium Bicarbonate), U/L 80B:C, Brass Valve, Badger Extra.Page 601
14. B20BC
*Notes, *MSDS
Inquire at SIWSEA.Fire Extinguisher, Stored Pressure, 20 Lb, Dry Chemical Regular: BC (Sodium Bicarbonate), U/L 120B:C, Brass Valve, Badger Extra.Page 601
15. B20M
*Notes, *MSDS
Inquire at SIWSEA.Fire Extinguisher, Stored Pressure, 20 Lb, Dry Chemical General Purpose: ABC, U/L 20A-120B:C, Brass Valve, Badger Extra.Page 601
16. B20P
*Notes, *MSDS
Inquire at SIWSEA.Fire Extinguisher, Stored Pressure, 20 Lb, Dry Chemical Agent: BC, Purple K (Potassium Bicarbonate), U/L 120B:C.Page 601
17. B250M
*Notes, *MSDS
Inquire at SIWSEA.Fire Extinguisher, Stored Pressure, 2 1/2 Lb, Dry Chemical General Purpose: ABC, U/L 1A-10B:C, Brass Valve, Badger Extra.Page 601
18. B250P
*Notes, *MSDS
Inquire at SIWSEA.Fire Extinguisher, Stored Pressure, 2 1/2 Lb, Dry Chemical Agent: BC, Purple K (Potassium Bicarbonate), U/L 10B:C, Brass Valve, Badger Extra.Page 601
19. B275BC
*Notes, *MSDS
Inquire at SIWSEA.Fire Extinguisher, Stored Pressure, 2 3/4 Lb, Dry Chemical Regular: BC (Sodium Bicarbonate), U/L 10B:C, Brass Valve, Badger Extra.Page 601
20. B5BC
*Notes, *MSDS
Inquire at SIWSEA.Fire Extinguisher, Stored Pressure, 5 1/2 Lb, Dry Chemical Regular: BC (Sodium Bicarbonate), U/L 40B:C, Brass Valve, Badger Extra.Page 601
21. B5M
*Notes, *MSDS
Inquire at SIWSEA.Fire Extinguisher, Stored Pressure, 5 Lb, Dry Chemical General Purpose: ABC, U/L 3A-40B:C, Brass Valve, Badger Extra.Page 601
22. B5P
*Notes, *MSDS
Inquire at SIWSEA.Fire Extinguisher, Stored Pressure, 5 Lb, Dry Chemical Agent: BC, Purple K (Potassium Bicarbonate), U/L 30B:C, Brass Valve, Badger Extra.Page 601
Inquire at SIWSEA.Powder, Recharge Dry Chemical General Purpose: ABC, Installed To Replace Missing Powder Found On Annual Inspection, Per Pound.Page 42
Inquire at SIWSEA.Powder, Recharge Dry Chemical General Purpose: ABC, 50 lb. Pail.Page 601
Inquire at SIWSEA.Powder, Recharge Dry Chemical Standard: BC, Installed To Replace Missing Powder Found On Annual Inspection, Per Pound.Page 42
Inquire at SIWSEA.Powder, Recharge Dry Chemical Standard: BC, 50 lb. Pail.Page 601
Inquire at SIWSEA.Powder, Recharge Dry Chemical Purple K: BC, Installed To Replace Missing Powder Found On Annual Inspection, Per Pound.Page 42
Inquire at SIWSEA.Powder, Recharge Dry Chemical Purple K: BC, 50 lb. Pail.Page 601

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