Halon Gas & Service (for Fire Suppression Systems) - (8 rows)

Item Number SIWS Part No Price Unit Description PDF Catalog Page
*Notes, *MSDS
Inquire at SIWSCL.Service, Recharge Portable FFFP Foam Extinguishers, Installation & Solution (For All Brands).Page 604
Inquire at SIWSCL.Service, Head Rebuild, Parts & Labor, on empty Halon 1301 System Cylinder.Page 42
3. F-100
*Notes, *MSDS
Inquire at SIWSEA.Fire Extinguisher, AR-AFFF Foam, Portable, U/L 1A:20B, Stainless Steel Cyl, Brass Valve, 6 liters / 1.59 Gal, Badger Extra.Page 604
4. F-100R
*Notes, *MSDS
Inquire at SIWSEA.Recharge Agent, For Fire Extinguisher, AR-AFFF Foam, Portable, U/L 1A:20B, Makes 6 liters / 1.59 Gal, Badger.Page 604
5. F-250
*Notes, *MSDS
Inquire at SIWSEA.Fire Extinguisher, AR-AFFF Foam, Portable, U/L 1A:30B, Stainless Steel Cyl, Brass Valve, 9.6 liters / 2.5 Gal, Badger Extra The Badger brand extinguishers, that we provide, all have metallic valves. Those listed as "standard" provide aluminum valves, hand.Page 604
6. F-250R
*Notes, *MSDS
Inquire at SIWSEA.Recharge Agent, For Fire Extinguisher, AR-AFFF Foam, Portable U/L 1A:30B, Makes 9.6 liters / 2.5 Gal, Badger.Page 604
Inquire at SIWSCL.Service, Recharge Portable AFFF Foam Extinguishers, Installation & Solution (For All Brands), Includes Hydrotest, N00244-02-D-0015.Page 604
Inquire at SIWSEA.Service, To Refill Cannister w/Karbaloy & Nitrogen, Includes 2.5 Through 6 Gallons, For Range Guard Kitchen Fire Suppression System, Badger, N00244-02-D-0015.Page 604

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