Flame Cutting Tables - Tooling & Accessories - (8 rows)

Item Number SIWS Part No Price Unit Description PDF Catalog Page
1. 53DLInquire at SIWSEA.Pyramid, Flame -Clear, Dual Slot, fits 1/4" & 5/16" Supports, Set of 20, Weldsale.Page 530
2. 58BEInquire at SIWSEA.Pyramid, Flame -Clear, fits 9/16 & 1/2" Supports, Set of 20, Weldsale.Page 530
3. 716SFInquire at SIWSEA.Pyramid, Flame -Clear, fits 3/8" Supports, Set of 20, Weldsale.Page 530
4. 79DAInquire at SIWSEA.Pyramid, Flame -Clear, Dual Slot, fits 3/8" & 1/2" Supports, Set of 20, Weldsale.Page 530
5. 916SFInquire at SIWSEA.Pyramid, Flame -Clear, fits 1/2" Supports, Set of 20, Weldsale.Page 530
6. 916XLInquire at SIWSEA.Pyramid, Flame -Clear, fits 1/2" Supports, Set of 20, Weldsale.Page 530
7. WS44TABLEInquire at SIWSEA.Table, Flame Cutting, 4 ft x 4 ft, 5/16" cross Supports, Weldsale.Page 530
8. WS46TABLEInquire at SIWSEA.Table, Flame Cutting, 4 ft x 6 ft, Weldsale.Page 530

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