Spot Welders, Portable - (5 rows)

Item Number SIWS Part No Price Unit Description PDF Catalog Page
1. 500440Inquire at SIWSEA.Spot Welder, Electric, Resistance, Portable, Must Order Tongs & Tips Separately, 1.5 KVA, 110 VAC, HSW-15.Page 272
2. L-4000Inquire at SIWSEA.Spot Welder, Electric, Resistance, One Sided Dual Panel Spot, Wheeled Portable, Model Lencospot Mark II, 4 KVA, Electronic Timer, 208/230 VAC. 1 Phase, Lenco.Page 273
3. L-4480Inquire at SIWSEA.Spot Welder, Electric, Resistance, One Sided Dual Panel Spot, Wheeled Portable, Model Lencospot Mark II, 4 KVA, Electronic Timer, 460/480 VAC. 1 Phase, Lenco.Page 273
4. L-6000Inquire at SIWSEA.Spot Welder, Electric, Resistance, One Sided Dual Panel Spot & Pneumatic Squeeze Type, Water Cooled , Wheeled Portable, Model Mark III, 6 KVA, Electronic Timer, w/6" Arms, 208/230 VAC. 1 Phase, Lenco.Page 273
5. L-950Inquire at SIWSEA.Attachment, Spot Welder, Pinch Type, Uni-Spot III, For Lencospot Mark II.Page 273

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