Adaptors, Brass for Non-Flammable Industrial Gases Cylinder-To-Regulators - (10 rows)

Item Number SIWS Part No Price Unit Description PDF Catalog Page
1. 806Inquire at SIWSEA.Adapter, Adaptor, Brass, Carbon Dioxide Cylinder W.P. Nitrogen Regulator, CGA 320-580.Page 50
2. 810Inquire at SIWSEA.Adapter, Adaptor, Brass, Argon, Helium or Nitrogen Cylinder to Carbon Dioxide Regulator, CGA 580-320.Page 50
3. 815Inquire at SIWSEA.Adapter, Adaptor, Brass, Industrial Air Cylinder to Nitrogen, W.P. Regulator, CGA 590-580.Page 50
4. 828Inquire at SIWSEA.Adapter, Adaptor, Brass, Air Cylinder to Argon, Helium or Nitrogen Regulator, CGA 346-580.Page 50
5. 842Inquire at SIWSEA.Adapter, Adaptor, Brass, Carbon Dioxide Cylinder to CGA 660 Regulator, CGA 320-660.Page 50
6. 843Inquire at SIWSEA.Adapter, Adaptor, Brass, Air Cylinder to Industrial Regulator, CGA 346-590.Page 50
7. 856Inquire at SIWSEA.Adapter, Adaptor, Brass, Nitrogen Cylinder to CGA 660 Regulator, CGA 560-660.Page 50
8. 858Inquire at SIWSEA.Adapter, Adaptor, Brass, Industrial Air Cylinder to Air Regulator, CGA 590-346.Page 50
9. 866
Inquire at SIWSEA.Adapter, Adaptor, Brass, CGA 660 Cylinder to Nitrogen Regulator, CGA 660-580, CUSTOM.Page 50
10. 8680
Inquire at SIWSEA.Adapter, Adaptor, Brass, Inert Argon, Helium or Nitrogen CGA 580 Cylinder to Inert Argon, Helium or Nitrogen CGA 680 (3500 psi) Regulator, CGA 580-680.Page 50

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